#include "../gdal_common.hpp"
#include "../gdal_feature.hpp"
#include "feature_fields.hpp"
namespace node_gdal {
Nan::Persistent<FunctionTemplate> FeatureFields::constructor;
void FeatureFields::Initialize(Local<Object> target) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
Local<FunctionTemplate> lcons = Nan::New<FunctionTemplate>(FeatureFields::New);
Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(lcons, "toString", toString);
Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(lcons, "toObject", toObject);
Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(lcons, "toArray", toArray);
Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(lcons, "count", count);
Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(lcons, "get", get);
Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(lcons, "getNames", getNames);
Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(lcons, "set", set);
Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(lcons, "reset", reset);
Nan::SetPrototypeMethod(lcons, "indexOf", indexOf);
ATTR_DONT_ENUM(lcons, "feature", featureGetter, READ_ONLY_SETTER);
Nan::Set(target, Nan::New("FeatureFields").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::GetFunction(lcons).ToLocalChecked());
FeatureFields::FeatureFields() : Nan::ObjectWrap() {
FeatureFields::~FeatureFields() {
* An encapsulation of all field data that makes up a {{#crossLink
* "gdal.Feature"}}Feature{{/crossLink}}.
* @class gdal.FeatureFields
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::New) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
if (!info.IsConstructCall()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Cannot call constructor as function, you need to use 'new' keyword");
if (info[0]->IsExternal()) {
Local<External> ext = info[0].As<External>();
void *ptr = ext->Value();
FeatureFields *f = static_cast<FeatureFields *>(ptr);
} else {
Nan::ThrowError("Cannot create FeatureFields directly");
Local<Value> FeatureFields::New(Local<Value> layer_obj) {
Nan::EscapableHandleScope scope;
FeatureFields *wrapped = new FeatureFields();
v8::Local<v8::Value> ext = Nan::New<External>(wrapped);
v8::Local<v8::Object> obj =
Nan::NewInstance(Nan::GetFunction(Nan::New(FeatureFields::constructor)).ToLocalChecked(), 1, &ext).ToLocalChecked();
Nan::SetPrivate(obj, Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked(), layer_obj);
return scope.Escape(obj);
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::toString) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
inline bool setField(OGRFeature *f, int field_index, Local<Value> val) {
if (val->IsInt32()) {
f->SetField(field_index, Nan::To<int32_t>(val).ToChecked());
} else if (val->IsNumber()) {
f->SetField(field_index, Nan::To<double>(val).ToChecked());
} else if (val->IsString()) {
std::string str = *Nan::Utf8String(val);
f->SetField(field_index, str.c_str());
} else if (val->IsNull() || val->IsUndefined()) {
} else {
return true;
return false;
* Sets feature field(s).
* @example
* ```
* // most-efficient, least flexible. requires you to know the ordering of the
* fields: feature.fields.set(['Something']); feature.fields.set(0,
* 'Something');
* // most flexible.
* feature.fields.set({name: 'Something'});
* feature.fields.set('name', 'Something');
* ```
* @method set
* @throws Error
* @param {String|Integer} key Field name or index
* @param {mixed} value
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::set) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
int field_index;
unsigned int i, n, n_fields_set;
Local<Object> parent =
Nan::GetPrivate(info.This(), Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked().As<Object>();
Feature *f = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Feature>(parent);
if (!f->isAlive()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Feature object already destroyed");
if (info.Length() == 1) {
if (info[0]->IsArray()) {
// set([])
Local<Array> values = info[0].As<Array>();
n = f->get()->GetFieldCount();
if (values->Length() < n) { n = values->Length(); }
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Local<Value> val = Nan::Get(values, i).ToLocalChecked();
if (setField(f->get(), i, val)) {
Nan::ThrowError("Unsupported type of field value");
} else if (info[0]->IsObject()) {
// set({})
Local<Object> values = info[0].As<Object>();
n = f->get()->GetFieldCount();
n_fields_set = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// iterate through field names from field defn,
// grabbing values from passed object, if not undefined
OGRFieldDefn *field_def = f->get()->GetFieldDefnRef(i);
const char *field_name = field_def->GetNameRef();
field_index = f->get()->GetFieldIndex(field_name);
// skip value if field name doesnt exist
// both in the feature definition and the passed object
if (field_index == -1 || !Nan::HasOwnProperty(values, Nan::New(field_name).ToLocalChecked()).FromMaybe(false)) {
Local<Value> val = Nan::Get(values, Nan::New(field_name).ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked();
if (setField(f->get(), field_index, val)) {
Nan::ThrowError("Unsupported type of field value");
} else {
Nan::ThrowError("Method expected an object or array");
} else if (info.Length() == 2) {
// set(name|index, value)
ARG_FIELD_ID(0, f->get(), field_index);
// set field value
if (setField(f->get(), field_index, info[1])) {
Nan::ThrowError("Unsupported type of field value");
} else {
Nan::ThrowError("Invalid number of arguments");
* Resets all fields.
* @example
* ```
* feature.fields.reset();```
* @method reset
* @throws Error
* @param {Object} [values]
* @param {mixed} value
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::reset) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
int field_index;
unsigned int i, n;
Local<Object> parent =
Nan::GetPrivate(info.This(), Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked().As<Object>();
Feature *f = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Feature>(parent);
if (!f->isAlive()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Feature object already destroyed");
n = f->get()->GetFieldCount();
if (info.Length() == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { f->get()->UnsetField(i); }
if (!info[0]->IsObject()) {
Nan::ThrowError("fields must be an object");
Local<Object> values = info[0].As<Object>();
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// iterate through field names from field defn,
// grabbing values from passed object
OGRFieldDefn *field_def = f->get()->GetFieldDefnRef(i);
const char *field_name = field_def->GetNameRef();
field_index = f->get()->GetFieldIndex(field_name);
if (field_index == -1) continue;
Local<Value> val = Nan::Get(values, Nan::New(field_name).ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked();
if (setField(f->get(), field_index, val)) {
Nan::ThrowError("Unsupported type of field value");
* Returns the number of fields.
* @example
* ```
* feature.fields.count();```
* @method count
* @return {Integer}
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::count) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
Local<Object> parent =
Nan::GetPrivate(info.This(), Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked().As<Object>();
Feature *f = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Feature>(parent);
if (!f->isAlive()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Feature object already destroyed");
* Returns the index of a field, given its name.
* @example
* ```
* var index = feature.fields.indexOf('field');```
* @method indexOf
* @param {String} name
* @return {Integer} Index or, `-1` if it cannot be found.
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::indexOf) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
Local<Object> parent =
Nan::GetPrivate(info.This(), Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked().As<Object>();
Feature *f = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Feature>(parent);
if (!f->isAlive()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Feature object already destroyed");
std::string name("");
NODE_ARG_STR(0, "field name", name);
* Outputs the field data as a pure JS object.
* @throws Error
* @method toObject
* @return {Object}
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::toObject) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
Local<Object> parent =
Nan::GetPrivate(info.This(), Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked().As<Object>();
Feature *f = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Feature>(parent);
if (!f->isAlive()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Feature object already destroyed");
Local<Object> obj = Nan::New<Object>();
int n = f->get()->GetFieldCount();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// get field name
OGRFieldDefn *field_def = f->get()->GetFieldDefnRef(i);
const char *key = field_def->GetNameRef();
if (!key) {
Nan::ThrowError("Error getting field name");
// get field value
Local<Value> val = FeatureFields::get(f->get(), i);
if (val.IsEmpty()) {
return; // get method threw an exception
Nan::Set(obj, Nan::New(key).ToLocalChecked(), val);
* Outputs the field values as a pure JS array.
* @throws Error
* @method toArray
* @return {Array}
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::toArray) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
Local<Object> parent =
Nan::GetPrivate(info.This(), Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked().As<Object>();
Feature *f = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Feature>(parent);
if (!f->isAlive()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Feature object already destroyed");
int n = f->get()->GetFieldCount();
Local<Array> array = Nan::New<Array>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// get field value
Local<Value> val = FeatureFields::get(f->get(), i);
if (val.IsEmpty()) {
return; // get method threw an exception
Nan::Set(array, i, val);
Local<Value> FeatureFields::get(OGRFeature *f, int field_index) {
//#throws : caller must check if return_val.IsEmpty() and bail out if true
Nan::EscapableHandleScope scope;
if (!f->IsFieldSet(field_index)) return scope.Escape(Nan::Null());
OGRFieldDefn *field_def = f->GetFieldDefnRef(field_index);
switch (field_def->GetType()) {
case OFTInteger: return scope.Escape(Nan::New<Integer>(f->GetFieldAsInteger(field_index)));
case OFTInteger64: return scope.Escape(Nan::New<Number>(f->GetFieldAsInteger64(field_index)));
case OFTInteger64List: return scope.Escape(getFieldAsInteger64List(f, field_index));
case OFTReal: return scope.Escape(Nan::New<Number>(f->GetFieldAsDouble(field_index)));
case OFTString: return scope.Escape(SafeString::New(f->GetFieldAsString(field_index)));
case OFTIntegerList: return scope.Escape(getFieldAsIntegerList(f, field_index));
case OFTRealList: return scope.Escape(getFieldAsDoubleList(f, field_index));
case OFTStringList: return scope.Escape(getFieldAsStringList(f, field_index));
case OFTBinary: return scope.Escape(getFieldAsBinary(f, field_index));
case OFTDate:
case OFTTime:
case OFTDateTime: return scope.Escape(getFieldAsDateTime(f, field_index));
default: Nan::ThrowError("Unsupported field type"); return scope.Escape(Nan::Undefined());
* Returns a field's value.
* @example
* ```
* value = feature.fields.get(0);
* value = feature.fields.get('field');```
* @method get
* @param {String|Integer} key Feature name or index.
* @return {mixed|Undefined}
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::get) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
Local<Object> parent =
Nan::GetPrivate(info.This(), Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked().As<Object>();
Feature *f = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Feature>(parent);
if (!f->isAlive()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Feature object already destroyed");
if (info.Length() < 1) {
Nan::ThrowError("Field index or name must be given");
int field_index;
ARG_FIELD_ID(0, f->get(), field_index);
Local<Value> result = FeatureFields::get(f->get(), field_index);
if (result.IsEmpty()) {
} else {
* Returns a list of field name.
* @method getNames
* @throws Error
* @return {Array} List of field names.
NAN_METHOD(FeatureFields::getNames) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
Local<Object> parent =
Nan::GetPrivate(info.This(), Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked().As<Object>();
Feature *f = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Feature>(parent);
if (!f->isAlive()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Feature object already destroyed");
int n = f->get()->GetFieldCount();
Local<Array> result = Nan::New<Array>(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// get field name
OGRFieldDefn *field_def = f->get()->GetFieldDefnRef(i);
const char *field_name = field_def->GetNameRef();
if (!field_name) {
Nan::ThrowError("Error getting field name");
Nan::Set(result, i, Nan::New(field_name).ToLocalChecked());
Local<Value> FeatureFields::getFieldAsIntegerList(OGRFeature *feature, int field_index) {
Nan::EscapableHandleScope scope;
int count_of_values = 0;
const int *values = feature->GetFieldAsIntegerList(field_index, &count_of_values);
Local<Array> return_array = Nan::New<Array>(count_of_values);
for (int index = 0; index < count_of_values; index++) {
Nan::Set(return_array, index, Nan::New<Integer>(values[index]));
return scope.Escape(return_array);
Local<Value> FeatureFields::getFieldAsInteger64List(OGRFeature *feature, int field_index) {
Nan::EscapableHandleScope scope;
int count_of_values = 0;
const long long *values = feature->GetFieldAsInteger64List(field_index, &count_of_values);
Local<Array> return_array = Nan::New<Array>(count_of_values);
for (int index = 0; index < count_of_values; index++) {
Nan::Set(return_array, index, Nan::New<Number>(values[index]));
return scope.Escape(return_array);
Local<Value> FeatureFields::getFieldAsDoubleList(OGRFeature *feature, int field_index) {
Nan::EscapableHandleScope scope;
int count_of_values = 0;
const double *values = feature->GetFieldAsDoubleList(field_index, &count_of_values);
Local<Array> return_array = Nan::New<Array>(count_of_values);
for (int index = 0; index < count_of_values; index++) {
Nan::Set(return_array, index, Nan::New<Number>(values[index]));
return scope.Escape(return_array);
Local<Value> FeatureFields::getFieldAsStringList(OGRFeature *feature, int field_index) {
Nan::EscapableHandleScope scope;
char **values = feature->GetFieldAsStringList(field_index);
int count_of_values = CSLCount(values);
Local<Array> return_array = Nan::New<Array>(count_of_values);
for (int index = 0; index < count_of_values; index++) {
Nan::Set(return_array, index, SafeString::New(values[index]));
return scope.Escape(return_array);
Local<Value> FeatureFields::getFieldAsBinary(OGRFeature *feature, int field_index) {
Nan::EscapableHandleScope scope;
int count_of_bytes = 0;
char *data = (char *)feature->GetFieldAsBinary(field_index, &count_of_bytes);
if (count_of_bytes > 0) {
// GDAL Feature->GetFieldAsBinary returns a pointer to an internal buffer
// that should not be freed
// Nan::NewBuffer expects to receive ownership of the buffer
// =>
// So no other solution than copy :-(
char *reallocated_data = (char *)malloc(count_of_bytes);
if (!reallocated_data) {
Nan::ThrowError("Memory allocation failed");
} else {
memcpy(reallocated_data, data, count_of_bytes);
return scope.Escape(Nan::NewBuffer(reallocated_data, count_of_bytes).ToLocalChecked());
return scope.Escape(Nan::Undefined());
Local<Value> FeatureFields::getFieldAsDateTime(OGRFeature *feature, int field_index) {
Nan::EscapableHandleScope scope;
int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timezone;
year = month = day = hour = minute = second = timezone = 0;
int result = feature->GetFieldAsDateTime(field_index, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second, &timezone);
if (result == TRUE) {
Local<Object> hash = Nan::New<Object>();
if (year) { Nan::Set(hash, Nan::New("year").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New<Integer>(year)); }
if (month) { Nan::Set(hash, Nan::New("month").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New<Integer>(month)); }
if (day) { Nan::Set(hash, Nan::New("day").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New<Integer>(day)); }
if (hour) { Nan::Set(hash, Nan::New("hour").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New<Integer>(hour)); }
if (minute) { Nan::Set(hash, Nan::New("minute").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New<Integer>(minute)); }
if (second) { Nan::Set(hash, Nan::New("second").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New<Integer>(second)); }
if (timezone) { Nan::Set(hash, Nan::New("timezone").ToLocalChecked(), Nan::New<Integer>(timezone)); }
return scope.Escape(hash);
} else {
return scope.Escape(Nan::Undefined());
* Parent feature
* @readOnly
* @attribute feature
* @type {gdal.Feature}
NAN_GETTER(FeatureFields::featureGetter) {
Nan::HandleScope scope;
info.GetReturnValue().Set(Nan::GetPrivate(info.This(), Nan::New("parent_").ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked());
} // namespace node_gdal